Monday, February 18, 2013


How many wines can I count at Shelton Vineyards? 1, 2, 3...

This North Carolina winery has a ton of great wines. To be truthful, when I encounter a winery with a bunch of different wines, I usually automatically assume most of their wines are low quality.


Because making a great wine requires great time and care. If the winery has only been opened for 3-5 years but has 30 different wines this sends up red flags. Even more so if the owners of the winery are younger in age.

The brothers who own Shelton Vineyards are very mature in age and if you research them you will find they have had the hobby of making wine for many decades.

So even though they do offer many wines, knowing the owners have been wine makers for many years, even before they opened their winery, is a very comforting feeling when looking at the number of wines they have in stock.

How many different wines do they offer? 

At the time of writing this there were at least 20 different wines offed at this vineyard. A whole variety of different wines. Whites, Reds, Roses, Blushes. In dry, semi-dry and sweet.

What about the wine prices?

If you have looked at some of the images I have provided you can see the various prices of the wines at Shelton Vineyards.

What are my favorite wines at this vineyard?

Yes, some of there wines are expensive, the 2007 Family Reserve Claret goes for $40 a bottle. But the majority of wines you find here will go for between $12-20. When judging the quality of their wines I do believe the prices are fair. 

Shelton vineyards in my estimations is a great place to find a new bottle wine that you will definitely be satisfied with and while your there you may want to stop in at their grill or restaurant and grab a bit to eat!!

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